A new beginning in 2015

Civil society needs people being inspired to help those in need. Apart from giving regards to our local heroes we broaden the policy of the Dutch Carnegie Hero Fund. In 2015 (October 7th) we start the first National Hero Day.
Jaap Smit, Chairman Carnegiefonds The Netherlands, holds speech on first National Hero Day 

The celebration of the first annual Hero Day is all about communicating the underlying message. The message of being present for one’s  fellow men. A message not just for one day, but to be continued through all different media.  Social media, radio, television, our  reshaped website. Connecting people to the message of Carnegie Hero Fund and the other way around, connecting the Fund with the people.
Boi Jongejan, member of the board Carnegiefonds The Netherlands, explains on first National Hero Day

In this context we have the support of many City Mayor in our country and also from distinguished military, police, fire services. We have also started connecting with other Dutch funds in this field of promoting heroes (e.g. the fund of H.R.H. Prof. Pieter van Vollenhoven, the fund for rescuing people out of the water –The Netherlands being a rather wet country-,  and the funds that enhance people’s participation). The Dutch Carnegie Hero Fund will also start fundraising to be able to continue this line of policy.
Dutch heroes awarded by Mayor Jan van Zanen of the city of Utrecht on first National Hero Day

We also like to work more closely with the Carnegie Hero Funds in other countries, especially to learn from their experiences.

On the first National Hero Day we welcome approximately fifty heroes form the last few years. They will meet with each other and will be the face of the message we will like to come across. At the same time representatives of national, regional and local politics, police, fire services, the military, the media, science and the board of trustees will be there to listen to their stories.  We are convinced that through this setting, more and more people will be telling the tale of civil courage.